The People Living in Darkness Have Seen a Great Light

The apostle Paul's Damascus experience was a powerful conversion. The Apostle Paul hated the Christians. He was at Stephen's stoning, and he was on his way to Damascus to arrest and imprison even more Christians. The apostle Paul was spiritually blind. He was walking and living in darkness. Jesus physically blinded him to show him that he was walking in spiritual darkness, and He was the Light whom Isaiah prophesied about. Jesus wanted to show him that He was the Messiah who had come into the world to deliver both Jews and Gentiles from the power of satan and his kingdom and to translate them into His kingdom. Acts 9:1-19
In Isaiah 9, the prophet Isaiah prophesied that Jesus the Messiah would go to the people living in the land of Naphtali and the land of Zebulun, both areas of pre-exile Judah, the southern kingdom, and become a Light to them. God showed the prophet the future and He saw His own people, after God had restored them to their land after being exiled to Babylon, being visited by the Light, the Messiah. Isaiah 9:1-2
In Matthew 4, after Jesus learned that John had been put in prison, he returned to Galilee, then He went and lived in Capernaum, which was by the lake in the area of Zebulun and Naphtali. That is the area where Jesus began His public ministry and called His disciples. Matthew 4:12-17. Jesus demonstrated to the people that He was the Light of the world. He was the gift from the Father to save us mankind from our sins and reconcile us to our Heavenly Father. John 3:16-17, Matthew 4:23-25.
Today, we who were living in darkness have also seen the Light. We were also living in the land of the shadow of death and Jesus delivered us from spiritual death, (some of us even from natural death) and shone His Light upon us and showed us the way to go. Some of us were delivered from the darkness of addictions, demonic oppression and possession, false religion, sickness and disease, doubt and unbelief, etc. Whatever, the darkness, Jesus the Light of the world shone His Light upon us and dispelled the darkness.
Jesus continues to be the Light in our lives as He instructs us and shows us the way to go. Psalm 32:8. Jesus is the Light and He is also the Word of God, and He has sent the Holy Spirit to indwell us. He promises never to leave nor forsake us. Jesus is in the boat of life with us, and He promises that we are going to the other side together. Whatever trial or tribulation that we as God's people find ourselves in today, Jesus promises to be the Light and help us to overcome. John 16:33. Nothing can separate us form the love of God in Christ Jesus. Romans 8:31-39.
As people who are now living and walking in the Light, Jesus now calls us to be the Light of the world to show the ones who are living in darkness His Light. Matthew 5:14-16. This Christmas season, we thank God for delivering us from the darkness and we pray to let His Light shine through us in the darkness. Merry Christmas.
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